Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Concerning mistakes

"No one can learn anything from being perfect; the only true way to achieve a better self is to fail. To fail is to make mistakes, and from there, you can learn anything."

Every now and then, I will have some sort of epiphany in a random task I am doing, from showers, doing dishes, or just simply walking. Well, this one came to me while I was in the shower one day.

Now obviously, this should be something everyone would be familiar with you, even hopefully to you, dear reader. But it's more to it than you believe.

Growing up, from the moment we are aware of our own self and our environment, we begin to look, touch, and grab anything we can. And eventually we will come across something that is far too hot to touch, an object sharp and pointy, and an object much harder than what we imagined when we bonked our head upon it. These are all mistakes, and from those mistakes we come to learn.

Now I wish for you to apply this simple train of thought to anything and everything you do, regardless of what this maybe (preferably not murder or genocide or anything negative to human nature). This was something I have come to take to heart in recent years, having reached my low point earlier back in high school (my junior year to be specific).

Learning from your mistakes can give you an optimistic outlook on life, which is something everyone can use. Knowing what not to do wrong next time can give you new meaning to be right and start anew. Take this thought to heart and know that there is truly no wrong that can't be righted.

And no one, no matter how hard they may try, cannot be perfect. Mistakes are a part of human nature; buildings will fail from time to time, planes will drop the sky whenever, cars will still never be 100% safe. There is no such thing as perfection; when you're perfect, you don't learn anything. You can only learn from being proficient, and being proficient requires making mistakes.

So go out my readers and make mistakes. I'm sure you will learn something new each and every time.


The Maverick

p.s. I do hope the mistakes you make do not bring harm or ill will to others. Avoid this if at all possible.

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